Social, Moral & Cultural Activities Nirbal Varg Gramodhyog Sewa Sansthan has worked on programs ranging from youth development and women empowerment to migration. Its scope of association has covered various existing and emerging drawbacks in rural communities occurring due to lack of social, moral and cultural activities. To work towards elimination of practice of Child Labour and to take appropriate steps for their rehabilitation. To implement and co-ordinate various activities relating to welfare of people belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Minority groups and also engage itself in related research activities. To implement and co-ordinate various projects aimed towards development and maintenance of environment, plantations and all other projects/issues for dealing bio-diversities and also to carry out research activities. To work towards maintaining social harmony. To make efforts for the overall development of the Society. To promote moral and ethical values through social and educational institutions for inculcating self-discipline and developing an ideal National character. To work for resource-less and poor people by active involvement in rural development through public participation and to co-ordinate with social activities. To create awareness and implement various projects on Public Health and Family Welfare and to organize Awareness Movement for population control. To organize and conduct programmes on health, education and sanitation; create public awareness to control population and to prevent epidemics and to arrange for basic facilities. To impart training to socially and economically backward communities, tribes, women and landless/small farmers, for the proper exploitation of natural resources and develop non-agriculture sources of income. Also to organize them into Small Saving Groups and to educate them for working together. Our social, moral and cultural activity programs and actions are designed in a manner which requires initiatives and efforts not only from us but also from the members of the community we work with. Together we try to take collective actions and bring about solutions to common or community specific problems. We work at grassroots level and are committed to bringing about a change – economically, socially, environmentally and culturally thereby contributing to the development of the community as a whole.