Free Education Free education refers to education that is funded through taxation or charitable organizations rather than tuition funding. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life; means, because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behavior to understanding one's rights, and in the process evolve as a better citizen. We works for underprivileged children who are under difficult circumstances, such as child labour, children of poorest of the parents, children inflicted and affected with HIV/AIDS, street and runaway children, children with rare disabilities, disaster struck children and slum children. Special emphasis is given on girl education and women education, so that they and their families get empowered. To provide the education to the rural peoples Nirbal Varg Gramodhyog Sewa Sansthan helps many centers in the different places of Uttarakhand and collaborate with the existing institutions to provide the education at free of cost to the poor child and youth of their region. The same time the organization not make its first and foremost issue - To generate livelihood alternatives followed by Economic development and empowerment for all the villagers of the state who are willing to improve their living standard and still wants to be in their native places. It is God blessing for all those peoples that many NGOs are working in different fields and in different ways to generate economy for this state. But still this is not sufficient for covering all the hilly region of the Haridwar due to its worst and very difficult geographical topology. This required much more work done by govt. and also by the NGOs to work more in this region and makes the people self dependent and make their life somewhat easy and generate reliable sources of income generation for them. Nirbal Varg Gramodhyog Sewa Sansthan are arranging various educational seminars for the people like on computer education, health education, child education and also information on sanitation, tourism, agricultural activities, water utilisation, electricity consumption, road and transport. They also educate them on medical plant cultivation, organic farming, animal welfare, environment awareness, water issues, health issues, how to help people in case of natural disaster like flood and famine etc.